Nos engagements

Il est important que la culture de roses bénéficie à toutes celles et ceux qui y travaillent. C’est pourquoi nous réinvestissons dans des projets locaux de développement.

Afin de préserver l’équilibre des écosystèmes, nos producteurs utilisent des techniques de production propres et naturelles qui respectent les sols et les nappes phréatiques.

Nous vous livrons directement depuis nos fermes. Ainsi nous vous garantissons traçabilité, transparence et la qualité au meilleur prix!

Nous mettons un point d’honneur à vous livrer partout en France métropolitaine les plus belles roses au monde en moins de 48h. Responsabilité, fraîcheur et qualité assurées!
Our Philosophy
Our Approach
Nos fleurs
Fiola Johnson
The Owner
With more than a decade’s experience at the forefront of floral design, Fiola Johnson is one of London’s most respected florists. Having trained under the iconic Jane Packer, she later worked for some of London most prestigious florists on luxury events and celebrity weddings. In 2008 she founded Fiore to reflect her own intimate and artistic approach. Born and raised in London, Marianne has always loved the city’s relentless pace and creativity, something that’s an endless source of inspiration to her. Yet she also craves the peace and natural beauty of the great outdoors. It’s this balance, between the vibrancy of the city and the beauty of the natural world that defines Fiola’s own individual style.
Drawing on her love of colour and texture, she combines romance and wildness in rich, generous compositions that are both thoughtful and unexpected. Her studio and shops are havens from the urban jungle; like calm oases in the midst of the metropolis. They are bursting with full blooms, hanging plants and potted trees. It’s in these green and peaceful spaces that Marianne and her team create their designs, inspired by the city just outside.

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